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The Women’s Circle brings together Jewish women of all ages and backgrounds to learn, laugh, experience and rejuvenate the mind, body and soul.  

Rosh Chodesh Group

Join women from across the community as we welcome the new Hebrew month.  Let your creative juices flow as you spend an evening creating works of art while enjoying the company of new and old friends.




DATE: November 8

TIME: 7:00-9:00 pm

PLACE: Sun City Shadow Hills

Instructor: Marcia Becker

$18 per person.  Pay here or mail check, payable to Chabad PS to
Ruth Levitsky 35-473 Inverness, Palm Desert, 92211










Women’s Shabbat 


A delightful celebration of Shabbat in the company of Jewish women, featuring great food, words of inspiration, and lots of laughter.  Program begins at Candle Lighting on Friday and continues Shabbat morning through Lunch.  Women's Shabbat is a bi-annual event.











DATE: Nov. 30-Dec. 1


Friday evening program: $25                      Shabbat day program: $25

Reserve here.



Guest Presenter: Laurie Lans


Lieutenant Commander Laurie Lans has served multiple tours in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf, and throughout the world. Along her many journeys she had erected a giant Chanukah Menorah in Saddam Hussein’s Palace in Baghdad, celebrated Passover in Saddam Hussein’s Hunting Lodge, arranged for a Kosher Megillah to be read high in the hills in Afghanistan, and so much more.
With an engaging and dynamic style of presentation, Laurie weaves stirring stories of her time in war and the fascinating people she met along the way, through humor and humility.

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Women’s Tu B'Shevat Seder











Celebrate the New Year for Trees at our Annual Women’s Tu Bishvat Seder.  Enjoy an evening of exotic fruits and wines, learn about the Kabbalistic meaning of trees and inspiration derived from our environment. Light dinner served.

DATE:  January 20, 2019




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